Tuesday 6 October 2015

Payment Cycle Management Software | Kapture CRM - INDIA

Picture Sub caption:- Create a flexible and on-time Payment Structure for easier Payments
When you are constantly handling different payroll and payment cycles, managing them demands constant attention and time! As payment processes affords zero error-margin, relying on spreadsheet or incomplete payment software could be a disaster.
KAPTURE CRM  integrates your diverse customer and business account processes into a single platform. A CRM dashboard allows you to oversee, closely examine and transfer payments with reliability and safety.
Easy Access to Customer Profiles
Kapture profiling of each customer enables you to create an easy and meaningful relationship.The CRM database allows you to access payment information for each customer, including contact details, payment status, mode of payment etc…Now you can access individual client payment progress for each customer.
Automate Sending of Payment Reminders and Intimations
When handling numerous clients at different stages of payment progress, delivering custom messages is time-consuming. Kapture CRM  in INDIA is an easy way to issue custom messages to your individual clients at their favored format. It also allows you to easily detect your favored customer format.
Seamless Invoice Management
Kapture removes complexity at raising custom invoices for individual customers. You can view the services or products rendered to each client to create invoices that will be inclusive of all costs. It also creates a streamlined process for creating individual invoice, allowing you to factor all costs without error.
Easier way for Clients to Complete Payments
When your clients occupy diverse geography and age-groups, their preferred payment mode will also be different. Kapture makes it easier for your clients to finish payments through their favorite way. Meanwhile, you receive instant reminders about finished payments at your account, meaning a shorter time-cycle for releasing relevant product or service.

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