Tuesday 6 October 2015

Mobile CRM Software For Realestate Hotels Banking FMCG Parma | Kapture CRM -INDIA

Mobilize all aspects of your outdoor Business interactions…
The KAPTURE mobile app lets you instantly connect and manage your entire sales team’s field-activity through an integrated process.It lets you communicate through a common cloud platform;allowing you to instantly update sales targets, transit paths, meeting status etc. The Kapture Mobile CRM software gives you a comprehensive toolset to increase sales team effectiveness and sales turnovers.

Cut-back on Lead response Time
Kapture Mobile app incrementally increases the chanceof converting each lead by cutting back on the time required for each lead response. This enables you to assign incoming lead to a sales Professional at any point of the day, along with allocating specific meeting times. Now, you can create an instant rapport with the clients, delivering optimal lead response time.
Take orders on the go
The sales teams can load product manuals on KAPTURE which they would need when they are out to take orders. With just a few clicks they can select the required products/ services and place orders. Every order place will be updated on the cloud which will then be reflected in your stocks. Invoices can be raised and sent by the sales guy through his mobile phone. Different modes of payment can also be selected based on requirements.

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