Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Payment Management Mobile App | Kapture CRM

Picture Caption:-  Single stroke solution for your core Business Challenges
Doesn’t matter how much heart you put into your business, in the end all that matters is the ability for your business to generate revenue!Money that comes in, money that goes out, money that needs to be invested for your next venture. Whether your business is big or small, the ability to draw and manage your payment could decide your business future! But considering the complexities involved in payment processes and cycles in different kinds of industries, handling them in the right way is extremely essential.

Inefficient data management
Every business has numerous clients or customers and ineffective ways of managing their data becomes one of the major glitches. Different timelines involved for clearing payments of every client makes it even more important to handle data intelligently. A minor error could lead to major losses in the future. There needs to be a mechanism in place that profiles every customer or client involved in a transaction with a provision to log essential information. Also there are different channels through which a payment can be cleared these days. Integrated solutions for managing all of that without automation can be quite a task really!
Creating Custom Invoices
As the period and items of each invoice is varying, you may need to individually create invoices for each client. A missed entity or error in judgment could easily lead to lapsed payments. With a software that stores all services provided to a client, you instantly raise a conclusive invoice. An ease in providing integrated invoice means that you can eliminate frequent errors.

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