Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Distributor management software - kapture CRM

KAPTURE comes with an intelligent stock management tool which is flexible and capable of handling fluctuations in demand. You can view the status-updates for the existing stocks and orders on the CRM dashboard, facilitating more informed decisions. Now you can manage your stock availability and transit according to the demands at the retail level.
 Timely and Direct Multiple-Point Stock Management
The CRM consolidates your stock-keeping records across various stock points. Now, numbers get updated real-time, giving you accurate analytics of stocks at various distribution points. Now you can place orders for your distributors based on the requirements. This is how KAPTURE simplifies the entire stock keeping processes for you.
 Organize & Streamline Your Manufacturing Process
The Kapture software accurately showcases the market demand for each of your product. With CRM analysis, you get a complete insight about products performing strongly and recognizes your weak products. Now you can procure the raw materials and manufacturing arrangements to meet the demands of retail sector. It allows to systematically gain a larger market share in a competitive environment.

Kapture structures your complex distribution hierarchy to the simplicity of your CRM dashboard. The CRM draws out the supply chain information in an easily comprehensible manner. From the manufacturing unit to the distributors to the final retail store, the dashboard representation gives clarity to each link in your distribution channel.
 Manage Retailer Stock Orders
Kapture opens-up an innovative way of managing your retail supply network. Now your retailer or on-field sales executives can directly issue new stock orders to the distributor through the CRM interface. The ease of issuing orders and procuring new stock means that your product could never be unavailable or over-stocked.

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