Sunday, 10 January 2016

Enterprise mobility can help your customer service - Kapture CRM


Remember those retro years when your desktop monitor looked bulkier than the Hawaldaars out there? Today it’s all about getting slimmer and handier, be it your body or electronic devices. Similarly, internet cafes have become so obsolete that only your granny might remember experiencing a fun-internet cafĂ© time. Also, when was the last time you had to get back to your desktop to access the web?Aaam, it has been eternity right?

Mobile technology, adding convenience to “Personal lives”

Today, you have the power in your hands – to use your fingers any way you want and get all that you need from the internet. From easy apps to shop whatever you like or find an address accurately to fun games to keep yourself entertained and apps to book your taxis or hotel rooms, not going mobile is way too lame!
<h3“Businesses” going mobile too
Apart from making personal lives stress-free and clutter-free, effective and wise use of mobile technology has become the game changer for running any business that is looking to grow. From online booking of services to knowing about the products, everything is accessible with just a few clicks.
Here are some interesting statistics to tell you exactly why this is so true:

The real deal is about adding a “personal” touch to your “businesses”

Customers today have no time in hand and on the go for most hours of the day. With mobile technology, life has way too easy become with just a few clicks. This has raised their expectations to the next level from brands and companies who offer them services or products.
Each customer today expects an easy access to the brands or companies that they are dealing with. This has resulted in numerous channels through which they can resolve their queries. Gone are the days when you had to call up someone and wait for days to get your queries resolved. Today, you can get in touch with the customer care through call-centers, online chats, emails, web applications etc. This has raised the need for using a powerful customer service software to handle all these queries real time on a single platform. KAPTURE is one such platform which comes with inbuilt call center software, task management software and query resolution software to manage your customer queries smoothly.
The age of personalized mobile applications
When most of your audience is on the go for a long time, you are risking a scenario where they are disconnected with your brand and offerings. KAPTURE has provisions to give personalized accounts to your customers on their mobile app.
Its self-service customer service applications the best mobile app for customer service you can ever ask for. The app gives your customers the power to check their latest transactions with your company, shoot their queries and complaints when they are travelling; constantly check status of their complaints and other updates you want to share with them. With a cloud-based mobile app for customer service like KAPTURE, you can only imagine how happy your customers will be!

End-to-End Work Cycles: Benefits of CRM Implied Work Flexibility in modern Work-Space? - Kapture CRM


In researches world-wide, work flexibility has repeatedly ranked as a much desired employment factor.
Today we live in a competitive market place, where talented workforce is sought-after and pursued as much as customers.
In a talent-crunch era, employee dissatisfaction could instantly put you on back-foot. This holds true for every profile, including executive to Simple Data entry operations.
It could even be said that work flexibility is one of most enticing forms of perks and bonus. Meanwhile, lack of a much desired flexibility could be a large put-off for a large section of work-force.
At same time, work flexibility cannot be held as an excuse for decreasing productivity or non-optimal employee utilization.

Big Five of Hindrances in Productive Work Flexibility

Even with its obvious benefits, work flexibility could be a hard-sell concerning most employers. These are often-mentioned five disadvantages, preventing a flexible work relationship.
1. All employee activities are connected and interdependent. If an employee fails to finish a particular task, consequently connected activities are also being delayed.
2. Unless a work isn’t immediately reviewed, it could pose a problem in future.
3. If employees aren’t collaborating on a day-to-day basis, there could be possible disconnection.
4. Often under flexible environments, organizations constantly underachieve in Work Productivity scales.
5. Project deadlines could be potentially compromised and could be completive disadvantage.

How CRM-Based Scheduling allows and aids Work Flexibility

A CRM opens-up a much more integrated approach that allows flexible schedule. In a traditional setting, a work pipeline involves allocating work according to employee availability and pending tasks. It often ends-up at uneven productivity or even possible unrest.

1. Get Work Estimates, Follow-up and Timely Updates

In the end, your organization is dependent on completed work and financial sheets. Instead of trying to compile excel sheets, a CRM makes your work schedules instantly much more credible and accountable.
While previously estimates had to be created based on manager expectation, now it has taken much more desirable and actionable form. Through CRM analytics and reporting, you can get closer to estimating time and talent required for each task. Now you can be free from 11th hour blind races towards finish lines and be meticulously planned.

2. Account and Count your Work Hours

It could be most useful for employee or employer looking for work hours. Even at its relative discrepancy, productivity is always or could be always related to total Work Hours. A  Kapture CRM allows employees to log-in at start of a work day and log-off at the end.

3. Yes, Track and Stamp your Employee Quality (on Profiles)

Often performance evaluations are also a time of chronic employee dissatisfaction and discontent. For this, a CRM performance tracking could be your best remedy.
An unequivocally non-disagreeable report card of employee productivity, a CRM gets you closer to every aspect of employee quality and productivity. You can view any remarkable contribution or lesser achievements.

4. Stick to Productive Work Cycles

Through means of ticketing software, one can follow-up on productive work cycles. When an employee finishes a shift, another employee gets notification on mobile, followed-up immediately by another employee starting task.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Utility Challenge: 11 Key Customer Service Automation Questions for small Businesses? - Kapture CRM


11 Key Customer Service Automation Questions for small Businesses?

Making a choice is easy; making the right one is tricky. If it was about choosing an item from a menu at a new restaurant, you could take your own time, afford to try something new and hope that it’s as per your liking. But with major decisions pertaining to your business, you don’t really have that leverage to make assumptions. Unlike food which can be flushed out early morning, you have to live with these vital business decisions for a long time.
When businesses are getting more and more customer-centric, investing in the best-fit CRM software for customer support is crucial. And when you have thousands of options to choose from, life can be a nightmare. Here’s a list of questions you can ask your vendors and CRM solution providersto make sure that you’re not taking the wrong decision.
These are the eleven customer services Automation questions concerning small businesses.

1. Can it resolve customer queries quickly?

A powerful query resolution managerand an intelligent task management tool are the most essential features that you should look for in a CRM software for customer service. Keeping your customers happy is all about staying connected with them and resolving their complaints as soon as possible.

2. Can you manage queries coming from multiple sources on a single platform?

Today a customer has multiple touch points to reach you like call centers, emails, mobile applications, web portals, feedback forms, website etc. The CRM software that you pickshould be adept to handle all of them on a single platform so that query allocation and processes become smoother.

3. How easy is it to set access control?

When all your information is hosted on the cloud-server you have to ensure that you are giving the right kind of access to the right teams. Also, certain functions like generating reports and allocating tasks should be active only for teams and management who would ideally need them. Always look for a modular architecture which allows you to pick and choose features that you would need.

4. Is the platform scalable and flexible?

How easy -set access-control
Another important aspect which you should never neglect! There are several CRM softwares for customer service which will offer you a set dashboard which is very inflexible. Every business has its own requirements. Always ask for a free demo and see if it can customized based on your model. Also, think long term. Will the platform be capable enough to handle the load when your customer base keeps increasing at a quick rate?

5. Is the platform mobile-friendly?

Today, almost all your customers are always on the mobile and on the go. Your customer service platform should also have a mobile version or a mobile app form customer service using which you can enhance customer experience to the next level.

6. Does it give your customers personal accounts?

Create-customers-personal -accounts
Adding a personal touch to businesses has been a popular trend. Ask your vendor if the CRM solution created by he/ she are able to keep-up with this trend. Opt for a solution which gives each and every customer of yours a separate personal account through which they can access information about their latest conversations with you or the status of their queries.

7.Can the platform integrate with multiple systems?

Many a times, software is developed with a very rigid framework due to which it is incompatible with certain systems. Every company today has to deal with internal proprietary software, ORACLE, SAP, third-party portals and more. Get a technical analysis done to understand if the CRM you are opting for is flexible enough to integrate with different technologies and systems.

8. Is the interface user-friendly?

Is the interface user-friendly
Take into consideration your entire customer base, how they behave, how they talk, what they like, what they don’t etc. It’s always better to keep the interface user-friendly so that nobody finds it difficult to use the platform. The moment they feel that the software that you are offering to make their life easy gives them a headache instead, they are going to be even madder at you.

9. Can it generate insightful analytics?

Can it generate insightful analytics
A CRM platform for customer service which simply automates processes is of no good use. It must be ideally capable of generating reports and analytics which help you understand buying patterns and measure customer satisfaction index.

10. How good is the training and support provided?

Many CRM solution providers almost end their relationship with you the moment a deal is closed. Do a background-check to see if your vendor offers continual customer support and proper training, so that you won’t have to deal with some undesirable situations which you are unable to handle on your own.

11. Does it enhance or add value to your customer experience and Business?

A CRM software that enhances customer experience will fetch you brownie points in this cut throat market competition. Those you come back to your brand or services are the ones who are happy with the kind of experience they had when they were dealing or interacting with your company. The CRM platform that you opt for must play the part of making this happen.
Last but not the least, ask yourself if the solution that you are going to choose, is really going to add value to your business overall. Think over if it has everything to keep your customers super-happy.
Make your organization more appeasing to modern workforce with increasing options and flexibility. 

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Smart Ticket Management: How to avoid Illogical tickets and actually get your work done? - Kapture CRM


All successful managers know the secret of getting work done; it’s allocating task to best possible individual.
While one may be used allocate tasks by calling names, with increasing complexity and sophistication it has become increasingly difficult.

Why you need a Ticket Management System?

A long and winding task allotment process progressively breaks down any concerning parties.
Do you need to strain your brain for every new task? Do you know about best idea person in your Office? Do you know work-capacity of any individuals? Do your Customers complain about having too many tasks on limited members?
An answer to all of these key management metrics could come from one simple solution – You need to have a simple go-to system for daily task management.
As customers are expecting resolution within first interaction, businesses have limited time window for a solution. For a service center handling high volume client calls, finding and completing tasks are a hard challenge.
While traditional tricks like hand waving worked until a few years ago, modern service-oriented business system has challenged individuals to take-up new ways of thinking.
Instead of a single member handling multiple platforms, a CRM helps you to evenly spread out tasks and duties.
All clients are memorizing each possibility for their immense requirements. Every business needs to get more clients to relax in less time and have a better management philosophy.
A good ticket management system allocates task and benefits through a CRM software. It follows smart tickets to avail your customer benefits.

How CRM ticketing Works

Unlike traditional systems, CRM task management comes stripped-off multiple complexities and business hierarchy. With coming of every relevant issue, a concerned person views a list of available individuals. Afterwards, this concerned individual can complete task or raise a objection with reason.
As entire process takes place through a cloud platform, entire process is seamless and integrated to a common platform. This process also involves less expenditure of time and energy, allowing you to easily find the concerned person.

How CRM ticketing beckons a big Change?

A CRM ticketing is not only efficient, but also provides a handful of nifty advantages. Those are described below.

Tickets that Follows You Everywhere

In the movie ‘It Follows’, there’s a thing that’s inescapable and always following you around. An uncompleted CRM tickets has a very similar nature.
Unless it’s stamped as completed, it will always be a mark on a particular CRM account. Unlike trail mails, where a pending task could be easily hidden a CRM provides clear way to identify and single-out incomplete tasks.
Going forward, your employees will be more accountable for incomplete tasks and pending management risks.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Why my small business needs customer service software - Kapture CRM


Love ice-creams? Even if you don’t, imagine that you do, and assume that you enter an ice-cream shop. The AC does not work; you go up to the guy who lets you taste some flavors and ask him about a few choices you’ve made. He answers back with 3-word sentences. You will definitely have your ice-cream and go, since we’ve asked you to imagine that you love it.
Now consider that you enter another ice-cream shop another day. This time though, the AC is great, there’s special seating arrangement and peppy music to enjoy your scoop and the guy at the counter answers all your questions attentively with a smile on his face along with detailed information about each flavour. This shop has impressed you. What’s the end result? The next time, you will definitely opt to come back here again.
Customer experience is everything
The bottom line of this entire mind game was to make you realize the importance of keeping customers happy. Every business starts small. But if you are dreaming big, you can’t help but follow the right hand thumb rule of “Happy Customers means Happy business
Here’s what the biggies say!
Customer experience the next battle ground- Get Kapture CRM

Jeff Bezos' take on Kapture CRM

The challenge
Today when the world is taken over by digital boom, you can’t just sit there and hope for some magic to happen. With ‘n’ number of touch points for customers to get back to you, handling their queries and complaints can become next to impossible. And if you decide to not allow easy access, you are only hitting the hammer on your head. Even if you manage to take a note of all these queries, managing them with outdated manual techniques leads to delays in query resolution, making customers go mad at you.

Automating the entire customer service process looks like the only smart way out. What a customer service software or self-service portal does is, accumulates all your queries on a single platform, making query resolution easier and quicker. This software comes with email ticketing system andautomated ticket sharing system using which all queries are neatly classified and assigned to respective departments. The support ticket system helps you set an escalation matrix with a timer once a query is assigned to a customer service executive. In case it’s not resolved within the timeline set, the ticket will be automatically routed to the seniors for persual.
KAPTURE is one such platform that helps you do just this, here’s howKapture CRM process
Analyze customer satisfaction index
Apart from automating processes, KAPTURE CRM is the perfect self-service portal which helps you generate over 300 reports based on customized parameters.  These reports will give you a clear idea as to which what type of complaints are affecting your business, average time taken to resolve queries and much more. The system also allows you to understand customer behavior by generating insights with an in-built customer survey software.